Tracking Better® for AMHS & CAMHS Training Package.

This package constitutes a 12-month package that comprises:

  • 2 x full day workshop on the use of the 5 Tracking Better® tools
    • How I manage my Stress
    • How I manage my Body
    • How I manage Trigger feelings
    • How I set a path to Better
    • How I work with a Crack Up Plan
    • User Manual pdf and license to print copies.
  • 10 x video supervision sessions (60-90 minutes) that can be individual or group up to 6 participants.
  • 12-month license to use and print the 5 tools and 3x sticker sheets.
  • Quality assurance survey to feedback to the organization the value of the course to individual clinicians.

Tracking Better® for CAMHS aims to teach clinicians of all levels of training how to use visual psychoeducational tools to assist children and families learn to track and regulate their stress, feelings, body, and behaviours. These are foundation skills which are common to the treatment of most disorders presenting to CAMHS. The visual approach provides easy to understand and learn concepts to all levels of education and speech and language ability.

This package does not replace the work that CAMHS does, rather, facilitate the understanding of concepts that workers frequently need to convey to children and families on their journey of healing. It draws on  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, trauma science, the field of emotional intelligence and body regulation. It is all integrated in a age-friendly way to help understand what capacity the child has at any given age and how much support they will need from the adult.

The price of the package is $15,000